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3.10 What Does This Have to Do with CMMI High-Level
The CMMI guidelines with respect to QPM, a level 4 Process Area, states
The specific practices of QPM are best implemented by those who actually
execute the project's defined process—not by management or consulting sta-
tisticians only.
Another tip in the guidelines states that:
…when effectively implemented, QPM empowers individuals and teams by
enabling them to accurately estimate and make commitments to these esti-
mates with confidence. [1]
The CMMI tip tells us to empower project team members. Our experience
tells us this works best when the teams are small.
3.11 The Right Time to Implement CMMI Level 4/5
This leads to a question:
When should an organization consider implementing higher CMMI level 4
and 5 practices?
To h e l p a n s w e r t h i s q u e s t i o n , l e t u s f i r s t l o o k c l o s e r a t t h e re l a t i o n s h i p s a m o n g
Agile, Lean, and CMMI level 4 and 5.
3.12 Relationships among CMMI, Agile, and Lean
The CMMI is a reference model that helps us understand “what to do. The
Continuous Representation of the CMMI model supports using process
areas based on business needs. Lean and Agile advocates often argue against
the CMMI by asking:
Why do I need to wait until CMMI level 5 to analyze and fix problems?
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