Information Technology Reference
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We spend all our time trying to make senior management feel comfort-
able, while the workers are getting more and more uncomfortable. Senior
management should be the ones who are uncomfortable, because that is
what they are being paid to be—and they should be doing everything they
can to make the workers comfortable.
Table 8-1 Key Scrum Practices/Terminology [3]
Product Backlog
A prioritized list of project requirements with estimated
times to turn them into completed product functionality.
Estimates are in days and are more precise the higher
an item is in the Product Backlog priority. The list
evolves, changing as business conditions or technol-
ogy changes.
Product Owner
The person responsible for managing the Product
Backlog so as to maximize the value of the project.
The product owner represents all stakeholders in the
The person responsible for the Scrum process, its cor-
rect implementation, and the maximization of its
A time-box typically of about thirty sequential calendar
days during which a team works to turn the portion of
the Product Backlog it has selected into an increment
of potentially shippable product functionality.
Sprint Backlog
A list of tasks that defines a team's work for a Sprint.
The list emerges during the Sprint. Each task identifies
those responsible for doing the work and the esti-
mated amount of work remaining on the task on any
given day during the Sprint.
Sprint Planning
A one-day meeting time-boxed to eight hours that
initiates every Sprint.
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