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There should be a way that someone on the project can just say in certain
cases this isn't needed. We need more flexibility in our processes.
Let us start with the CMMI model in addressing these comments. First, the
Ve r i f i c a t i o n P r o c e s s a r e a o f t h e m o d e l d o e s e x p e c t y o u t o c o n d u c t p e e r
reviews, and to verify selected work products. However, the CMMI does not
tell you what you need to peer review and what you need to verify.
SP 1.3 of the Verification Process Area expects you to develop your own verification
procedures and criteria. 11
I want to highlight the word criteria .
. This is the agility-enhancing mechanism.
That word criteria is sprinkled throughout the CMMI model. What is the
intent when we see this term in the Verification Process Area? The intent is to
say to the model user, you need to think about what products need to be veri-
fied and how to best verify them. Ask yourself:
Do all products need to be verified?
If you are reusing a product that has previously been verified, you can reuse
that previous verification, and save cost by not re-verifying it . 12 The value of
reuse can extend beyond just the product development itself.
Yo u m u s t b e c a re f u l t o e n s u re y o u verify and validate your product in the cur-
rent environment. This is part of what you should be thinking through when
planning for Verification and Validation. The CMMI model suggests that by
establishing criteria, you can make better decisions when it comes to Verifica-
tion (and Validation).
The CMMI model does not tell you when you need to apply your Ve r i f i c a t i o n
criteria. This is left up to each organization to decide. You can have criteria to
help you decide when testing should be performed, and criteria to help you
decide when a peer review should be held.
Yo u c a n a l l o w t h e c r i t e r i a t o b e a p p l i e d a t t h e start of the project , at the start of
each increment of the project life cycle , or it could be delegated to a technical lead
to apply just-in-time at the point when a decision needs to be made in the
middle of the project.
The degree of flexibility or agility on your project is up to each organization
to decide based on its business needs, personnel, and culture.
11. One could also look at SP 1.1 Select Work Products for Verification as covering criteria of what to verify.
12. This assumes the product will be reused in a similar way and in a similar environment.
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