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7.27 Process Compliance from a CMMI Model
In the CMMI model, I focus on two areas when I observe process compliance
issues. These areas include the Product and Process Quality Assurance
(PPQA) Process Area, and Generic Practice (GP) 2.8 9 “Monitor and Control
the [fill in relevant process area] against the plan for performing the process
and take appropriate corrective action.”
7.28 Product and Process Quality Assurance (PPQA)
The purpose of the PPQA process area is:
To p r o v i d e s t a f f a n d m a n a g e m e n t w i t h o b j e c t i v e i n s i g h t i n t o p r o c e s s e s a n d
associated work products.
This process area is sometimes confused with the Verification Process
Area. When I hear a leader complain about the quality organization
because too many bugs are being found in products being delivered to
customers, this is an indication there might be a confusion of responsi-
bilities in the organization.
The purpose of the Verification process area is to:
Ensure that selected work products meet their specified requirements.
Te s t i n g a n d p e e r re v i e w s a re e x a m p l e s o f “ h o w - t o ” t e c h n i q u e s u s e d t o m e e t
the intent of this process area. PPQA techniques employed should be provid-
ing “objective insight,” but its purpose is not to ensure products have been
adequately verified. In most organizations, PPQA practices are implemented
using some form of a “sampling” to gain the required objective insight
because it is not cost-effective to conduct a more comprehensive check. This
is one reason why these practices should not be relied on for Verification.
Ve r i f i c a t i o n o f w o r k p r o d u c t s i s t h e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y o f t h e e n g i n e e r i n g o r g a n i -
zation, and when excessive bugs are being reported, an organization should
first look closely at the effectiveness of their Verification approaches, not
their Quality processes.
9. I don't mention GP 2.9 here because the “independence/objective” aspect of GP 2.9 is already covered
by PPQA.
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