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I have observed in the organizations I've gone to certain people who appear
to be particularly effective at getting work done. This kind of information is a
powerful side benefit of doing gap analysis interviews. Through the inter-
views, I capture in the words of the successful people key techniques related
to how they do their job. I then share these techniques with others within the
organization by translating them into documented job scenarios that can be
employed as training aids. When I do this I am always careful to maintain
the terminology people use inside the organization.
This is the kind of training that best benefits an organization, and is used by
both new and experienced people. This kind of training can't possibly be
brought to a job from the outside. I have found this type of training to be one
of the most valuable techniques in maintaining a successful Agile organiza-
tion's culture while the organization grows. We share through job scenarios
how things are done, including those done informally such as the “doorway
risk management” discussed in the BOND case study. Refer to Figure 6-1.
To h e l p p e o p l e d o t h e i r
job effectively requires…
...processes written to what your
organization specifically does…
…and training in how your
organization specifically does it…
…including the use of specific measures
every day to make decisions.
Figure 6-1 Supporting an Agile Culture Through Informal Decision Training
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