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of an organization where the CMMI could help maintain its agility and sus-
tain increased growth, but due to key mistakes NANO has made in
implementing its processes, it is currently failing to reap the potential bene-
fits of its CMMI initiative.
Still, all is not bad at NANO. In this organization, we also learn about some
nontraditional techniques that can achieve the intent of key CMMI practices
while helping organizations with critical business challenges.
6.1 What You Will Learn in This Chapter
• Characteristics of CMMI level 3 processes key to long-term organiza-
tional success, often missed by “ Agile-like” 1 organizations
• Te c h n i q u e s t o e v o l v e d e f i c i e n t l e g a c y p ro c e s s e s t o w a rd C M M I l e v e l 3
• A common myth held in many “Agile-like” organizations with respect to
• How to support an Agile culture by using measures less formally for bet-
ter decisions
• An Agile perspective on measurement
• Techniques to effectively manage risk during a process improvement
• Te c h n i q u e s s u p p o r t e d b y C M M I p r a c t i c e s t o h e l p m o v e a t r a d i t i o n a l
hierarchical command and control organization toward increased distri-
bution of authority and responsibility
• An alternate approach to capture roles and responsibilities supporting
effective use of people
• An alternate and efficient approach to tailoring that is CMMI compliant
• An example of planning with uncertainty that is consistent with both
Agile and CMMI
This chapter provides a case study of a successful Agile-like” organization
in trouble. The organization lost its true agility because of business growth,
internal organizational political pressures, and process misunderstandings,
and then turned to the CMMI for help.
1. Reminder: When I use the phrase “Agile-like” or “wannabe Agile,” I mean organizations that are trying
to use an Agile approach, but are missing key ingredients of true agility.
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