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Table 5-5 Summary of Key Agile Project Management Practice Aids (Continued)
Defined roles and responsibilities
Stakeholder matrix
Measurements based on real process followed (e.g., estimates)
Measurements used each day to make decisions
Agile Senior Management brief template
5.17 The Plan as a Living Document at BOND
At BOND, we observed the greatest value of the PMP was getting the project
started with a common vision for the team. It initiated new personnel
quickly to the project.
Specific Practice 3.2 of the CMMI Project Planning process area states:
Reconcile the project plan…
At BOND, this reconciliation was taught and occurred daily through the
next level of detail plans at the team task list level and through the flow of
issues to project leads and Senior Management during periodic briefings.
The “reconciled” plan was viewed as a set of living artifacts rather than the
original PMP document. Those reconciled planning artifacts included team
task lists, personnel currently assigned, and standard agreed-to measures
periodically reported through Senior Management briefs. These artifacts
became the “real” current plan. The PMP document was updated less fre-
quently. How the standard measures were arrived at in the organization is
discussed next.
5.18 The Power of Templates
Te m p l a t e s , s u c h a s P ro j e c t M a n a g e m e n t a n d S e n i o r M a n a g e m e n t B r i e f t e m -
plates, turned out to be extremely powerful process aids in helping to
communicate process expectations and institutionalizing processes at BOND.
They were also powerful as aids to gather objective evidence in preparing for
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