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This is because as the organization grows, people get busy and can no longer
maintain all the key facts and agreements with respect to a project in their
heads. Documenting project plans in a consistent way under these conditions
now begins to have more value to the organization. The consistency side of the
plan has value to stakeholders who must review and agree to the plan, those
who are tasked with developing the plan, and those who must follow the plan.
To a i d t h e i n s t i t u t i o n a l i z a t i o n o f p ro j e c t p l a n n i n g a t B O N D , a P ro j e c t M a n -
agement Plan (PMP) template was developed and used during the Project
Lead Workshop to help train leaders in what was expected in each section of
the plan.
At BOND, we used the CMMI Project Planning (PP) process area as a start-
ing point, reducing the fourteen practices in this process area down to five
steps based on proven Agile Project Management best practices [22]. The five
steps are referred to in the following paragraphs as “the What,” “the Who,”
“the When,” “the How,” and “the How Much.”
1. What
2. Who
3. When
5. How Much
4. How
Figure 5-1 Five-Step Agile Project Management Planning Process
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