Environmental Engineering Reference
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and marshaling information. Their delegations are large, considering the
small size of their population.
Today, many interest groups exist. Domestically, leading groups include
Codename Future, the National Youth Coalition on Environment and
Development, and Young Environmental Activists. The Dutch affiliate
of Friends of the Earth, Milieu Defensie Holland, has 85,000 members
in a hundred local chapters. It advocates more mass transportation and
opposed expansion of the giant Schiphol airport. The Environmental
Ministry pays several million dollars annually to subsidize the operations
of about 30 groups, mostly for specific projects. Some groups have taken
the duty of monitoring the implementation of covenants between busi-
nesses and the government. 26 Internationally, the world headquarters for
Greenpeace is in Amsterdam.
Denmark is also a leader in protecting the environment, along with
Germany and the Netherlands. With a population of only five million,
it is a low, sandy country composed of the Jutland peninsula and many
islands. The Atlantic Drift, an extension of the Gulf Stream, keeps it warm
despite its northern latitude. With its Viking heritage, it was late to become
integrated with European institutions, and with its peripheral location,
it was slow to develop industrially. The Romantic Movement in nearby
Germany influenced its art and literature. Landscapes were a popular sub-
ject to paint. In 1819 Adam Oehlenschläger wrote a poem that became the
national anthem.
There is a lovely land with spreading, shady beeches
Near the Baltic's salty strand, its hills and valleys gently fall.
Its ancient name is Denmark, and it is Freya's hall.
By the turn of the 20th century, Danes were becoming interested in protect-
ing nature. The Danish Conservation Society (Naturfredningsforening),
founded in 1911, promoted outdoor recreation, but was not particularly
interested in wilderness or controlling pollution. Its members tended to
be professionals who wanted opportunities for hiking, fishing, sailing,
and summer cottages, often opposing local landowners. Society members
were well connected with government, and many were civil servants.
Rural planning was often an issue. This fit the extensive government role
in welfare and progressive education.
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