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It is barely mentioned in sacred scripture. They claim it is merely cultural.
Furthermore, Muslims living in India adhere to a parallel caste system.
Christians also have not completely abandoned their original castes.
Government: India is a parliamentary democracy with institutions cop-
ied directly from the former colonial power of Great Britain. The bicameral
Parliament consists of the Council of States of 250 members elected by the
state and territorial assemblies, and the People's Assembly of 545 members
elected by the people directly. The president, holding a largely ceremonial
position like the queen of England's, is chosen by an electoral college con-
sisting of both houses of the parliament plus the legislatures of the states.
The prime minister is elected by parliamentary members of the majority
party. In turn, he selects his cabinet from his party. he republic is federal
with 28 states and seven territories.
While India has many political parties, the biggest, oldest, and most
powerful is the Congress Party. Founded in 1885, it took up the cause
of independence in the early 20th century. It became a mass organiza-
tion with millions supporting its opposition to the British. The 1920s
saw the rise of Mahatma Gandhi, who advocated simple living and rural
self-sufficiency. Wearing only the most basic of village cotton garments,
he promoted cottage industries like spinning and weaving and led a pro-
test against the tax on salt. He insisted on nonviolence and persuasion
through civil disobedience. His young protégé was Jawaharlal Nehru.
After independence in 1947 Nehru became prime minister, remaining in
power until his death in 1964. (Gandhi was assassinated in 1948.) Under
Nehru the Congress party embraced socialism and did not favor either
the Hindu or Muslim religions. During the Cold War, the foreign policy
steered a neutral course between the Western block and the Communist
block. Nehru often spoke of his admiration for Soviet economic policies.
The Congress Party remained in power continuously until 1977.
Following Nehru's death it elected the mild-mannered Lal Bahadur
Shastri, who died 2 years later. At this point the party turned to Indira
Gandhi, daughter of Nehru (and no relation to Mohandas Gandhi).
She thus became the second of four family members to head the party,
moving toward an unofficial dynasty. The Congress Party soon split,
and Mrs.  Gandhi headed the dominant left-wing faction. She cam-
paigned against poverty and favored the Soviet Union in foreign policy.
Mrs. Gandhi became increasingly authoritarian and took to rigging elec-
tions. When confronted with opposition in parliament and in the courts
in June 1975, she ordered a State of National Emergency and ruled by
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