Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information Europeana
Linked Data is being adopted by libraries and cultural information projects like
Europeana.* The “Library Linked Data” W3C Incubator Group's final report
(LLD XG, 2011) points the way forward to highlight the potential of Linked Data
to interrelate and make sense of large amounts of diverse social and cultural data
as well as scientific data. Europeana's goal is to become a European digital library
that digitally collects and provides open data access to a vast amount of European
cultural heritage resources hosted by several institutions such as libraries, archives,
museums, galleries, and audiovisual collections. It is indeed an ambitious goal that
needs a widely consensus-based approach for the establishment of political and
technological agreements among all the involved institutions.
Similar to the OpenAIRE portal, Europeana acts as a unique entry point to
give users access to all metadata of digital resources that are collected and harvested
by Europeana. It has converted into a big metadata repository, harvester, and pro-
vider of cultural and scientific resources. To accomplish this, Europeana specifies
a simple set of technical and legal requirements that any contributing institution
must adhere to. From the technical point of view, contributing institutions must
provide their metadata records in compliance with the Europeana Data Model and
the stipulated syntax and semantics of the established persistent identifiers, as well
as to ensure compatibility with the OAI-PMH standard. From a legal perspective,
each contributing institution must sign an agreement on the exchange and main-
tenance of the source metadata records in the realm of the Europeana Licensing
Framework. Open Data Institute
he ODI § carries out mostly training, education, and promotion activities about
the consumption and publication of public open data, which are equally appli-
cable practices to public-funded research data. For example, ODI offers a variety
of training courses and educative programs in the area of Open and Linked Data
Technologies. Such programs are targeted to developers and technical-skilled users
who can transfer open data technology know-how to public and private organiza-
tions like small and medium enterprises.
The ODI shares commonalities and objectives with the OGP and Open Data
Research Network (Section 13.2.1) in the promotion of and awareness raising on
open data. Unlike the latter two, which carry out their activities mostly at country
level, ODI addresses especially individuals on the acquisition of technical skills and
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