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activities in the interest of preventing pollution and preserving heathlands, are once
more deeply implicated.
Humans are always, and have always been, enmeshed in social relations with
animals to the extent that the latter, the animals, are undoubtedly constitutive of
human societies in all sorts of ways. Humans are ecologically dependent on animals,
principally as sources of food, clothing and many other materials which
Figure 1.1 'And this little piggy…'
Source: Observer (1999) 25 July, p. 4, © Robert Thompson Artworks
sustain 'our' 4 human existence, which means that animals, especially dead ones,
enter centrally into what humans can themselves be and do in the world (Cockburn
1996; Cole and Ronning 1974). Rimbaud once declared that '[t]he man [sic] of the
future will be filled with animals' (quoted by Deleuze in Rabinow 1992:236); and,
with the rise of global meat-eating, xenotransplantations of organs, and blood
products grown in the bodies of animals, such an observation is gaining even more
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