Travel Reference
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Filibuster William Walker arrives in San Juan del Sur, taking Granada quickly and in-
stalling himself as president soon after.
In an effort to quell continued fighting between León and Granada, the small fishing
village of Managua is named capital. The fighting stops, but the rivalry continues to
this day.
The USA, in response to a rebellion against the corrupt Conservative administration,
sends 2500 marines to Nicaragua, thus beginning two decades of US-dominated polit-
ics in Nicaragua.
The Bryan-Chamorro Treaty is signed, granting the US exclusive canal rights in Ni-
caragua. It has no intention of building such a canal, but wants to ensure that no one
else does.
Guerrilla leader Augusto Sandino is killed by troops loyal to military strongman
Anastasio Somoza García after being invited to Managua to discuss peace.
Somoza overthrows Liberal President Juan Sacasa, thus beginning the Somoza dictat-
orship - 42 years in which the old man, then his sons, Luís and Anastasio, would rule
the country.
Somoza is assassinated in León by Rigoberto López Pérez, a poet disguised as a
waiter. López Pérez is shot at the scene but becomes a national hero.
Diverse guerrilla groups inspired by the Cuban revolution and united by their opposi-
tion to the Somozas combine to become the Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional
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