Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
walkways through the jungle. Don't expect to drop in, you'll need to reserve well in ad-
Soda El Tucán
(Muelle, 100m S; mains US$5-6.50; 6:30am-9:30pm) Centrally located and easy to find, this
cheery wooden diner will do just fine. The menu is simple: chicken or fish, grilled or
fried, but the results are delicious. If you order a few hours in advance, you can have river
shrimp (US$10) prepared al gusto (to your liking).
Getting There & Around
San Juan de Nicaragua's airport is located across the bay next to the Greytown ruins. La
Costeña flies from Managua to San Juan (one way/return US$110/165) via San Carlos at
noon on Thursday and Sunday, returning at 1:30pm. The airline has no office in San Juan
town, so you'll need to purchase your return ticket before you arrive. There is also no
public transport from the airport to San Juan, but Hotelito Evo offers a water taxi service
for US$10 per person (minimum two people) - call before you arrive.
Slow boats leave from San Carlos for San Juan de Nicaragua (US$14, nine to 12 hours,
6am Tuesday, Thursday and Friday) stopping in Boca de Sábalos at 9:15am and El
Castillo at 10am. Fast boats leave San Carlos for San Juan de Nicaragua (US$25, six
hours) at 6am Tuesday and Friday and at 10am Wednesday and Sunday, stopping in Boca
de Sábalos and El Castillo one hour or 90 minutes later respectively. Slow boats return
from San Juan de Nicaragua at 5am Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. Fast boats return at
5:30am Thursday and Sunday and at 8:30am Monday and Friday.
At the time of research there was no regular transport from San Juan to Bluefields, but
the Gobierno Rama Kriol ( Click here ) had plans to introduce a regular panga service stop-
ping at the communities of Corn River, Monkey Point and Rama Cay. Otherwise it is oc-
casionally possible to pay for a ride on a local boat that is making the trip. Note that this is
a long trip in a small boat on the open ocean that oscillates between uncomfortable and
spine shattering depending on the swell. You'll probably also get soaked; bring plastic
bags for your luggage.
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