Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
There are two main bus terminals in Matagalpa. Clean, well-organized Cotran Sur (
2772-4659) , about 800m west of Parque Rubén Darío, generally serves Managua and
points south. Buses departing from Coltran Sur:
Chinandega (US$3.40, 3½ hours, 5am and 2pm)
Ciudad Darío (US$0.85, one hour, 5:30am, 7:30am, 10:25am, 11am, 11:25am and
Estelí (US$1.20, 2¼ hours, 5:20am to 5:40pm, half-hourly)
Jinotega (US$1, 1½ hours, 5am to 6pm, half-hourly)
León (US$3, 2½ hours, 6am, 9:30am, 3pm and 4pm)
Managua ( ordinario US$2.10, 2¾ hours, 3:35am to 6:05pm, half-hourly; expreso US$3,
2¼ hours, 5:20am to 5:20pm, hourly)
Masaya (US$3, three hours, 2pm and 3:30pm)
Chaotic and disorienting by comparison, Cotran Norte (Cotramusun) goes to the follow-
ing destinations:
El Cuá (US$3.20, four hours, 6am, 7am, 9am, 10:30am, noon and 1:30pm)
Esquipulas (US$1.75, 1½ hours, 5:40am, 7am, 8am, 9am, noon, 1:30pm, 3pm, 4:30pm
and 5:30pm)
San Ramón (US$0.45, half hour, 5am to 7pm, half-hourly)
San Ramón
Only 12km from Matagalpa, the small town of San Ramon feels a world away with small-
town pleasantries and a relaxed vibe.
But the real reason to come here is to get an authentic taste for rural life with the hard-
working farmers in the surrounding hills.
Local agricultural cooperative, UCA San Ramón ( 2772-5247; ; frente Parque Municipal, San Ramón;
8am-5pm Mon-Fri, 8am-
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