Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Comedor Sandra
(costado sur Mercado; meals US$2.50; 7am-3pm) This humble comedor by the market
serves cheap, filling Nica meals from a steam table buffet.
Luz de Luna
(Parque Central, 1c S; mains US$6.50-7.50; 11am-10pm) Order another plate of típica served
on plastic tables that can be easily jettisoned when this sleepy comedor in a garish purple
restaurant becomes the closest thing to a happening nightclub in Jalapa.
Flor de Pino
( 8704-0532; frente Plazoleta, Champigny; 9am-6pm) Members of this small wo-
mens' cooperative weave elegant baskets from pine needles. It's in the community of
Champigny, 4km north of town.
There are two banks in town, both with Visa-only ATMs. For internet access and phone
calls visit Megacyber (opposite Bancentro; per hr $0.50) .
Getting There & Away
The bus terminal is just south of town, near the cemetery. Services include the following:
El Jícaro (Ciudad Sandino) (US$1.75, 1½ hours, noon and 4pm) Meets buses to Murra.
El Porvenir (US$1.50, 30 minutes, hourly until 6pm)
Estelí (US$4, four hours, 4am and 10:50am)
Managua (US$6.50, 5½ hours, 3am, 4am, 5:30am, 9am, 9:40am and 1:45pm)
Ocotal (US$1.85, 1½ hours, 5am to 4pm, hourly)
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