Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
(Triangulo, 1km S; mains US$5-12;
) Across from the Villas at Apoyo, this restaurant
has a nice dock for day use (US$4).
Getting There & Around
You can walk here from Granada: take the dirt road northeast of the cemetery for about
two hours through a poor but pretty region, and bring everything you'll need to eat and
drink, as there are no services at this end of the lake. Once you reach the crater rim, ask
local farmers for permission to cross their land. Steep trails also begin at the miradores
(viewpoints) in Catarina and Diriá, more or less a 1½-hour round-trip.
The main entrance is from a road off the Carretera a Masaya at Km 37.5. Buses run
every half-hour between the crater rim and Masaya (US$0.30, 6am to 6pm). Only three
buses, which read 'El Valle de la Laguna,' descend all the way to the waterfront
(US$0.70, 6:30am, 11:30am and 4:30pm), returning from Masaya at 5:30am, 10:30am
and 3:30pm. The half-hour, 2km descent isn't a bad walk, but going uphill is hard work.
Hitchhiking is common on this stretch, but taxis are not (except on Sunday). Taxis from
Granada (US$10) and Masaya (US$6) may charge less to drop you off at the top. The
Bearded Monkey Hostel runs shuttles here from Granada.
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