Travel Reference
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volcanic crater millennia ago lead from a humble collection of restaurant-bars down to the
Museo y Galería de Héroes y Martires
(Av San Jerónimo, parque central 1½c N; 8am-noon & 1-5pm Mon-Fri) Inside the al-
caldía (mayor's office), this museum honors Masayans who gave their lives during the re-
volution. There are walls of photos and interesting displays of bomb-building materials
and weapons, as well as personal effects including musical instruments and a few Choro-
tegan funeral urns.
Fortaleza De Coyotepe
(admission US$0.70; 8am-6pm) Built in 1893 atop Cerro de los Coyotes, this eerie fortress
witnessed the last stand of Benjamín Zeledón, the 1912 hero of resistance to US interven-
tion. The marines managed to take the fortress, watched all the while by a young man
named Sandino, who vowed his revenge. In the end it would also be the Guardia Nacion-
al's last stronghold, overrun during the Sandinistas' final 1979 offensive.
It's worth the climb just for the view: Laguna de Masaya, Lago de Managua, Volcán
Mombacho and, if it's clear, Volcán Momotombo, rising red and black above Managua.
Your entrance fee includes a Spanish-language tour of the underground prison, detailing
each atrocity.
You can walk 2km north on the Interamericana (Pan-American Hwy), but it's worth
getting a Managua-bound bus (US$0.30) or taxi (US$1) to avoid the scary traffic. Taxis
charge extra to take you up the steep hill. Otherwise it's a sweaty half-hour hike.
Churches & Plazas
There are 12 major barrios (neighborhoods) in Masaya, all of which were once separate
communities with their own churches, plazas and identities: Monimbó, San Jerónimo,
Santa Teresa, Villa Bosco Monge, Aserrio, Santa Susana, Las Malvinas, El Palomar, La
Ceibita, Cerro Fortaleza de Coyotepe, Sylvio Renazco and Cerro la Barranca.
At the center of it all is the 1750 Parroquia de la Asunción OFFLINE MAP GOOGLE MAP
, an attractive but scarred late-baroque beauty that the Spanish government has offered to
help repair. It watches over the parque central, formally known as Parque 17 de Octubre , in
honor of the 1977 fire fight that pitted local residents against Somoza's Guardia Nacional.
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