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The impact of visualization systems like QFView on the investigative process
itself opens the way to entirely novel ways of working for researchers in experi-
mental and computational fluid dynamics. Integrated, distributed, collaborative
and visualization environments give the possibility of and indeed point to the need
of reorganizing research methods and workflows; the various ''experiments''
conducted with QFView in ALICE have given glimpses of the exciting advances
that one may expect from such systems in the coming years.
1.2.2 QNET-CFD: Multidisciplinary Knowledge Base
QNET-CFD was a Thematic Network on Quality and Trust for the industrial
applications of CFD [ 50 ]. It provided European industries with a knowledge base
of high-quality application challenges (reviewed and approved CFD results) and
The main objectives of the project were to create the knowledge base to collect
Application Challenges (AC) and Underlying Flow Regimes (UFR) from the
trusted sources and made them available to the European industries, see an
example Fig. 1.19 .
The knowledge base is structured around the following six Thematic Areas
(TA) and four Underlying Flow Categories:
Thematic Areas
TA 1
External aerodynamics
TA 2
Combustion and heat transfer
TA 3
Chemical and process, thermal hydraulics and nuclear safety
TA 4
Civil construction and HVAC
TA 5
Environmental flows
TA 6
Turbomachinery internal flows
Underlying Flow Categories
Free flows
Flows around bodies
Semi-confined flows
Confined flows
As illustrated in the Fig. 1.20 , all the application challenges are associated with
a single TA or industry sector. The UFRs are linked to ACs across the thematic
areas. This is an important feature of the QNET-CFD Knowledge Base, as through
such links the domain knowledge between industry sectors and research institu-
tions is achieved following the process showed in Fig. 1.21 .
Users can navigate through the entire knowledge base using an Internet
browser. Hyperlinks provide cross-linkages between TAs, ACs, and UFRs. A
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