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Chapter 11
Multiple Plane Detection Method
from Range Data of Digital Imaging
System for Moving Robot Applications
Jeong-Hyun Kim, Zhu Teng, Dong-Joong Kang and Jong-Eun Ha
Abstract Imaging system using CCD sensors for automatic navigation of intel-
ligent robot is a central element to recognize and interact with the surrounding
environment. Specifically, finding a planar surface on 3D space is very important
for efficient and safe operation of a mobile robot. In this chapter, a noise rejection
filter is introduced for defining planar surfaces to reduce the voting of noisy data.
We test the normal directions of two arbitrary planes in a small region, which are
determined by three vertexes of a triangle and its rotation. If the angle of two
normal directions is lower than a given threshold, it is voted into the Hough
parameter space. This method is similar to a noise rejection filter to verify the
planarity of local planes. We can get accurate parameters of the plane in RHT
because most noises and nonplanar data cannot vote into the Hough parameter
space. We use a scan window to vote locally. The scan window explores all
regions by changing the window size. The window operation improves the
accuracy of plane detection because the plane is locally consistent and increases
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