Java Reference
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As we know, code duplication is a sign of bad design and should be avoided. We deal with it by
refactoring our code.
Code 11.10
Two of the filter-
handling methods from
private void makeLighter()
if (currentImage != null ) {
showStatus( "Applied: lighter" );
else {
showStatus( "No image loaded." );
private void threshold()
if (currentImage != null ) {
showStatus( "Applied: threshold" );
else {
showStatus( "No image loaded." );
In this case, we want to find a design that lets us add new filters without having to add a new
dispatch method for the filter every time.
To achieve what we want, we need to avoid hard-coding every filter-method name
( lighter , threshold , etc.) into our ImageViewer class. Instead, we shall use a col-
lection of filters and then write a single filter-invocation method that finds and invokes
the right filter. This will be similar in style to the introduction of an act method when
decoupling the simulator from individual actor types in the foxes-and-rabbits project in
Chapter 10.
In order to do this, filters must themselves become objects, rather than just method names. If we
want to store them in a common collection, then all filters will need a common superclass, which
we name Filter and give an apply method (Figure 11.11 shows the structure, Code 11.11
shows the source code).
Every filter will have an individual name, and its apply method will apply that particular
sort of filter to an image. Note that this is an abstract class, as the apply method has to
be abstract at this level, but the getName method can be fully implemented so it is not an
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