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operator has been pressed, for instance; that is left to its implementers. In addition, the imple-
menting class might well have additional methods not listed here.
In the sections that follow, we shall look at Hacker's attempt to implement this interface. In this
case, we decide that the best way to understand Hacker's software prior to documenting it is to
explore its source and the behavior of its objects.
Commenting and style
Open the calculator-engine project to view the classes. This is Hacker's own version of the
project, containing only the calculator engine and a test class, but not the user interface class.
The CalcEngineTester class takes the place of the user interface at this stage of develop-
ment. This illustrates another positive feature of defining interfaces between classes: it becomes
easier to develop mock-ups of the other classes for the purpose of testing.
If you take a look at the CalcEngine class, you will find that its author has paid attention to
some important areas of good style:
The class has been given a multiline comment at the top, indicating the purpose of the class.
Also included are annotations indicating author and version number.
Each method of the interface has a comment indicating its purpose, parameters, and return
type. This will certainly make it easier to generate project documentation for the interface, as
discussed in Chapter 5.
The layout of the class is consistent, with appropriate amounts of white-space indentation
used to indicate the distinct levels of nested blocks and control structures.
Expressive variable names and method names have been chosen.
Although these conventions may seem time consuming during implementation, they can be of
enormous benefit in helping someone else to understand your code (as we have to in this scenario)
or in helping you to remember what a class does if you have taken a break from working on it.
We also note another detail that looks less promising: Hacker has not used a specialized unit
test class to capture his tests, but has written his own test class. As we know about unit test sup-
port in BlueJ, we wonder why.
This does not necessarily have to be bad. Handwritten test classes may be just as good, but it
makes us a little suspicious. Did Hacker really know what he was doing? We shall come back
to this point a bit later.
So, maybe Hacker's abilities are as great as he thinks they are, and in that case you will not
have much to do to make the class ready for integration with the others?! Try the following
exercises to see if this is the case.
Exercise 7.21 Make sure the classes in the project are compiled, and then create a
CalcEngineTester object within BlueJ. Call the testAll method. What is printed in the
terminal window? Do you believe the final line of what it says?
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