Java Reference
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Code 3.5
Fields and constructor of
the MailItem class
public MailItem(String from, String to, String message)
this .from = from;
this .to = to;
this .message = message;
Methods omitted .
The new Java feature in this code fragment is the use of the this keyword:
this.from = from;
The whole line is an assignment statement. It assigns the value on the right-hand side ( from ) to
the variable on the left ( this.from ).
The reason for using this construct is that we have a situation known as name overloading —the
same name being used for two different entities. The class contains three fields, named from ,
to , and message . The constructor has three parameters, also named from , to , and message !
So while we are executing the constructor, how many variables exist? The answer is six: three
fields and three parameters. It is important to understand that the fields and the parameters are
separate variables that exist independently of each other, even though they share similar names.
A parameter and a field sharing a name is not really a problem in Java.
The problem we do have, though, is how to reference the six variables so as to be able to distin-
guish between the two sets. If we simply use the variable name “ from ” in the constructor (for
example, in a statement System.out.println(from) ), which variable will be used—the
parameter or the field?
The Java specification answers this question. It specifies that the definition originating in the
closest enclosing block will always be used. Because the from parameter is defined in the con-
structor and the from field is defined in the class, the parameter will be used. Its definition is
“closer” to the statement that uses it.
Now all we need is a mechanism to access a field when there is a more closely defined variable
with the same name. That is what the this keyword is used for. The expression this refers to
the current object. Writing this.from refers to the from field in the current object. Thus, this
construct gives us a means to refer to the field instead of the parameter with the same name.
Now we can read the assignment statement again:
this.from = from;
This statement, as we can see now, has the following effect:
field named from = parameter named from;
In other words, it assigns the value from the parameter to the field with the same name. This is,
of course, exactly what we need to do to initialize the object properly.
One last question remains: Why are we doing this at all? The whole problem could easily be avoided
just by giving the fields and the parameters different names. The reason is readability of source code.
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