Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Cloudera Impala
Interactive, low-latency SQL queries on HDFS or HBase
Kite SDK
APIs, examples, and docs for building apps on top of Hadoop
Apache Mahout
Scalable machine-learning and data-mining algorithms
Apache Oozie
Workflow scheduler for interdependent Hadoop jobs
Apache Parquet (incubating)
An efficient columnar storage format for nested data
Apache Pig
Data flow language for exploring large datasets
Cloudera Search
Free-text, Google-style search of Hadoop data
Apache Sentry (incubating)
Granular, role-based access control for Hadoop users
Apache Spark
A cluster computing framework for large-scale in-memory data processing in Scala,
Java, and Python
Apache Sqoop
Efficient transfer of data between structured data stores (like relational databases) and
Apache ZooKeeper
Highly available coordination service for distributed applications
Cloudera also provides Cloudera Manager for deploying and operating Hadoop clusters
running CDH.
To download CDH and Cloudera Manager, visit .
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