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HDFS has a permissions model for files and directories that is much like the POSIX model. There are
three types of permission: the read permission ( r ), the write permission ( w ), and the execute permission
( x ). The read permission is required to read files or list the contents of a directory. The write permission
is required to write a file or, for a directory, to create or delete files or directories in it. The execute per-
mission is ignored for a file because you can't execute a file on HDFS (unlike POSIX), and for a direct-
ory this permission is required to access its children.
Each file and directory has an owner , a group , and a mode . The mode is made up of the permissions for
the user who is the owner, the permissions for the users who are members of the group, and the permis-
sions for users who are neither the owners nor members of the group.
By default, Hadoop runs with security disabled, which means that a client's identity is not authenticated.
Because clients are remote, it is possible for a client to become an arbitrary user simply by creating an
account of that name on the remote system. This is not possible if security is turned on; see Security .
Either way, it is worthwhile having permissions enabled (as they are by default; see the
dfs.permissions.enabled property) to avoid accidental modification or deletion of substantial
parts of the filesystem, either by users or by automated tools or programs.
When permissions checking is enabled, the owner permissions are checked if the client's username
matches the owner, and the group permissions are checked if the client is a member of the group; other-
wise, the other permissions are checked.
There is a concept of a superuser, which is the identity of the namenode process. Permissions checks are
not performed for the superuser.
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