Database Reference
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To start a standalone instance of HBase that uses a temporary directory on the local
filesystem for persistence, use this:
By default, HBase writes to /${}/hbase-${} .
${} usually maps to /tmp , but you should configure HBase to use a
more permanent location by setting hbase.tmp.dir in hbase-site.xml . In standalone
mode, the HBase master, the regionserver, and a ZooKeeper instance are all run in the
same JVM.
To administer your HBase instance, launch the HBase shell as follows:
% hbase shell
HBase Shell; enter 'help<RETURN>' for list of supported commands.
Type "exit<RETURN>" to leave the HBase Shell
Version 0.98.7-hadoop2, r800c23e2207aa3f9bddb7e9514d8340bcfb89277,
Wed Oct 8
15:58:11 PDT 2014
This will bring up a JRuby IRB interpreter that has had some HBase-specific commands
added to it. Type help and then press Return to see the list of shell commands grouped
into categories. Type help " COMMAND_GROUP " for help by category or help
" COMMAND " for help on a specific command and example usage. Commands use Ruby
formatting to specify lists and dictionaries. See the end of the main help screen for a quick
Now let's create a simple table, add some data, and then clean up.
To create a table, you must name your table and define its schema. A table's schema com-
prises table attributes and the list of table column families. Column families themselves
have attributes that you in turn set at schema definition time. Examples of column family
attributes include whether the family content should be compressed on the filesystem and
how many versions of a cell to keep. Schemas can be edited later by offlining the table us-
ing the shell disable command, making the necessary alterations using alter , then
putting the table back online with enable .
To create a table named test with a single column family named data using defaults
for table and column family attributes, enter:
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