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--executor-cores 1 \
--executor-memory 2g
The YARN resource manager address is not specified in the master URL (unlike when us-
ing the standalone or Mesos cluster managers), but is picked up from Hadoop configura-
tion in the directory specified by the HADOOP_CONF_DIR environment variable.
YARN cluster mode
In YARN cluster mode, the user's driver program runs in a YARN application master pro-
cess. The spark-submit command is used with a master URL of yarn-cluster :
% spark-submit --master yarn-cluster ...
All other parameters, like --num-executors and the application JAR (or Python file),
are the same as for YARN client mode (use spark-submit --help for usage).
The spark-submit client will launch the YARN application (step 1 in Figure 19-4 ) , but it
doesn't run any user code. The rest of the process is the same as client mode, except the
application master starts the driver program (step 3b) before allocating resources for ex-
ecutors (step 4).
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