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so if the table has multiple values for the same key, all but one will be lost in the returned
Map .
To avoid these limitations, simply call materialize() on the table in order to obtain
an Iterable<Pair<K, V>> .
Another way to materialize a PCollection is to use PObject s. A PObject<T> is a
future , a computation of a value of type T that may not have been completed at the time
when the PObject is created in the running program. The computed value can be re-
trieved by calling getValue() on the PObject , which will block until the computa-
tion is completed (by running the Crunch pipeline) before returning the value.
Calling getValue() on a PObject is analogous to calling materialize() on a
PCollection , since both calls will trigger execution of the pipeline to materialize the
necessary collections. Indeed, we can rewrite the program to lowercase lines in a text file
to use a PObject as follows:
Pipeline pipeline = new MRPipeline ( getClass ());
PCollection < String > lines = pipeline . readTextFile ( inputPath );
PCollection < String > lower = lines . parallelDo ( new ToLowerFn (),
strings ());
PObject < Collection < String >> po = lower . asCollection ();
for ( String s : po . getValue () ) { // pipeline is run
System . out . println ( s );
pipeline . done ();
The asCollection() method converts a PCollection<T> into a regular Java
Collection<T> . [ 123 ] This is done by way of a PObject , so that the conversion can
be deferred to a later point in the program's execution if necessary. In this case, we call
PObject 's getValue() immediately after getting the PObject so that we can iterate
over the resulting Collection .
asCollection() will materialize all the objects in the PCollection into memory, so you should
only call it on small PCollection instances, such as the results of a computation that contain only a
few objects. There is no such restriction on the use of materialize() , which iterates over the collec-
tion, rather than holding the entire collection in memory at once.
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