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Integrating Flume with Applications
An Avro source is an RPC endpoint that accepts Flume events, making it possible to write
an RPC client to send events to the endpoint, which can be embedded in any application
that wants to introduce events into Flume.
The Flume SDK is a module that provides a Java RpcClient class for sending Event
objects to an Avro endpoint (an Avro source running in a Flume agent, usually in another
tier). Clients can be configured to fail over or load balance between endpoints, and Thrift
endpoints (Thrift sources) are supported too.
The Flume embedded agent offers similar functionality: it is a cut-down Flume agent that
runs in a Java application. It has a single special source that your application sends Flume
Event objects to by calling a method on the EmbeddedAgent object; the only sinks that
are supported are Avro sinks, but it can be configured with multiple sinks for failover or
load balancing.
Both the SDK and the embedded agent are described in more detail in the Flume Developer
Guide .
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