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agent1.sources = source1
agent1.sinks = sink1a sink1b
agent1.sinkgroups = sinkgroup1
agent1.channels = channel1
agent1.sources.source1.channels = channel1 = channel1 = channel1
agent1.sinkgroups.sinkgroup1.sinks = sink1a sink1b
agent1.sinkgroups.sinkgroup1.processor.type = load_balance
agent1.sinkgroups.sinkgroup1.processor.backoff = true
agent1.sources.source1.type = spooldir
agent1.sources.source1.spoolDir = /tmp/spooldir
agent1.sinks.sink1a.type = avro
agent1.sinks.sink1a.hostname = localhost
agent1.sinks.sink1a.port = 10000
agent1.sinks.sink1b.type = avro
agent1.sinks.sink1b.hostname = localhost
agent1.sinks.sink1b.port = 10001
agent1.channels.channel1.type = file
There are two Avro sinks defined, sink1a and sink1b , which differ only in the Avro
endpoint they are connected to (since we are running all the examples on localhost, it is
the port that is different; for a distributed install, the hosts would differ and the ports
would be the same). We also define sinkgroup1 , and set its sinks to sink1a and
sink1b .
The processor type is set to load_balance , which attempts to distribute the event flow
over both sinks in the group, using a round-robin selection mechanism (you can change
this using the processor.selector property). If a sink is unavailable, then the next
sink is tried; if they are all unavailable, the event is not removed from the channel, just
like in the single sink case. By default, sink unavailability is not remembered by the sink
processor, so failing sinks are retried for every batch of events being delivered. This can
be inefficient, so we have set the processor.backoff property to change the behavi-
or so that failing sinks are blacklisted for an exponentially increasing timeout period (up
to a maximum period of 30 seconds, controlled by pro-
cessor.selector.maxTimeOut ).
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