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Table 10-4. MapReduce job memory properties (set by the client)
Property name
The amount of memory for map containers.
The amount of memory for reduce containers.
mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb int
The JVM options used to launch the container
process that runs map and reduce tasks. In addi-
tion to memory settings, this property can in-
clude JVM properties for debugging, for ex-
String -
The JVM options used for the child process that
runs map tasks.
String -
The JVM options used for the child process that
runs reduce tasks. String -
For example, suppose is set to -Xmx800m and mapre- is left at its default value of 1,024 MB. When a map task is
run, the node manager will allocate a 1,024 MB container (decreasing the size of its pool
by that amount for the duration of the task) and will launch the task JVM configured with
an 800 MB maximum heap size. Note that the JVM process will have a larger memory
footprint than the heap size, and the overhead will depend on such things as the native lib-
raries that are in use, the size of the permanent generation space, and so on. The important
thing is that the physical memory used by the JVM process, including any processes that
it spawns, such as Streaming processes, does not exceed its allocation (1,024 MB). If a
container uses more memory than it has been allocated, then it may be terminated by the
node manager and marked as failed.
YARN schedulers impose a minimum or maximum on memory allocations. The default
minimum is 1,024 MB (set by yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb ), and
the default maximum is 8,192 MB (set by yarn.scheduler.maximum-
allocation-mb ).
There are also virtual memory constraints that a container must meet. If a container's vir-
tual memory usage exceeds a given multiple of the allocated physical memory, the node
manager may terminate the process. The multiple is expressed by the
yarn.nodemanager.vmem-pmem-ratio property, which defaults to 2.1. In the ex-
ample used earlier, the virtual memory threshold above which the task may be terminated
is 2,150 MB, which is 2.1 × 1,024 MB.
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