Database Reference
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The -config option specifies a local Java properties file containing definitions for the
parameters in the workflow XML file (in this case, nameNode and resourceMan-
ager ), as well as , which tells Oozie the location of
the workflow application in HDFS. Here are the contents of the properties file:
nameNode = hdfs://localhost:8020
resourceManager = localhost:8032 = ${nameNode}/user/${}/
To get information about the status of the workflow job, we use the -info option, spe-
cifying the job ID that was printed by the run command earlier (type oozie job to get a
list of all jobs):
% oozie job -info 0000001-140911033236814-oozie-oozi-W
The output shows the status: RUNNING , KILLED , or SUCCEEDED . You can also find all
this information via Oozie's web UI ( http://localhost:11000/oozie ).
When the job has succeeded, we can inspect the results in the usual way:
% hadoop fs -cat output/part-*
1949 111
1950 22
This example only scratched the surface of writing Oozie workflows. The documentation
on Oozie's website has information about creating more complex workflows, as well as
writing and running coordinator jobs.
[ 49 ] In Hadoop 1, mapred.job.tracker determines the means of execution: local for the local job
runner, or a colon-separated host and port pair for a jobtracker address.
[ 50 ] It's an interesting exercise to do this. Hint: use Secondary Sort .
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