Database Reference
In-Depth Information
<name> mapreduce.job.combine.class </name>
<value> MaxTemperatureReducer </value>
<name> mapreduce.job.reduce.class </name>
<value> MaxTemperatureReducer </value>
<name> mapreduce.job.output.key.class </name>
<value> </value>
<name> mapreduce.job.output.value.class </name>
<value> </value>
<name> mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.inputdir </name>
<value> /user/${wf:user()}/input/ncdc/micro </value>
<name> mapreduce.output.fileoutputformat.outputdir </name>
<value> /user/${wf:user()}/output </value>
<ok to= "end" />
<error to= "fail" />
<kill name= "fail" >
<message> MapReduce failed, error
<end name= "end" />
This workflow has three control-flow nodes and one action node: a start control node,
a map-reduce action node, a kill control node, and an end control node. The nodes
and allowed transitions between them are shown in Figure 6-4 .
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