Database Reference
In-Depth Information
% hadoop jar hadoop-examples.jar LoggingDriver -conf conf/
hadoop-cluster.xml \
-D input/ncdc/sample.txt logging-out
There are some controls for managing the retention and size of task logs. By default, logs
are deleted after a minimum of three hours (you can set this using the
yarn.nodemanager.log.retain-seconds property, although this is ignored if
log aggregation is enabled). You can also set a cap on the maximum size of each logfile
using the mapreduce.task.userlog.limit.kb property, which is 0 by default,
meaning there is no cap.
Sometimes you may need to debug a problem that you suspect is occurring in the JVM running a Ha-
doop command, rather than on the cluster. You can send DEBUG- level logs to the console by using an
invocation like this:
% HADOOP_ROOT_LOGGER=DEBUG,console hadoop fs -text /foo/bar
Remote Debugging
When a task fails and there is not enough information logged to diagnose the error, you
may want to resort to running a debugger for that task. This is hard to arrange when run-
ning the job on a cluster, as you don't know which node is going to process which part of
the input, so you can't set up your debugger ahead of the failure. However, there are a few
other options available:
Reproduce the failure locally
Often the failing task fails consistently on a particular input. You can try to reproduce
the problem locally by downloading the file that the task is failing on and running the
job locally, possibly using a debugger such as Java's VisualVM.
Use JVM debugging options
A common cause of failure is a Java out of memory error in the task JVM. You can set to include -XX:-
HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath= /path/to/
dumps . This setting produces a heap dump that can be examined afterward with tools
such as jhat or the Eclipse Memory Analyzer. Note that the JVM options should be ad-
ded to the existing memory settings specified by .
These are explained in more detail in Memory settings in YARN and MapReduce .
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