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LocalFileSystem . To do this globally in an application, it suffices to remap the im-
plementation for file URIs by setting the property fs.file.impl to the value
org.apache.hadoop.fs.RawLocalFileSystem . Alternatively, you can directly
create a RawLocalFileSystem instance, which may be useful if you want to disable
checksum verification for only some reads, for example:
Configuration conf = ...
FileSystem fs = new RawLocalFileSystem ();
fs . initialize ( null , conf );
LocalFileSystem uses ChecksumFileSystem to do its work, and this class
makes it easy to add checksumming to other (nonchecksummed) filesystems, as Check-
sumFileSystem is just a wrapper around FileSystem . The general idiom is as fol-
FileSystem rawFs = ...
FileSystem checksummedFs = new ChecksumFileSystem ( rawFs );
The underlying filesystem is called the raw filesystem, and may be retrieved using the
getRawFileSystem() method on ChecksumFileSystem . Check-
sumFileSystem has a few more useful methods for working with checksums, such as
getChecksumFile() for getting the path of a checksum file for any file. Check the
documentation for the others.
If an error is detected by ChecksumFileSystem when reading a file, it will call its
reportChecksumFailure() method. The default implementation does nothing, but
LocalFileSystem moves the offending file and its checksum to a side directory on
the same device called bad_files . Administrators should periodically check for these bad
files and take action on them.
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