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Fauconnier G, Turner M (2002) The way we think: conceptual blending and the mind's hidden
complexities. Basic Books, New York
Gooding DC, Addis TR (1999) A simulation of model-based reasoning about disparate phenomena.
In: Magnani L, Nersessian N, Thagard P (eds) Model based reasoning in scientific discovery.
Kluwer, London, pp 103-123. ISBN 0-306-46292-3
Lakoff G, Johnson M (1980) Metaphors we live by. University of Chicago Press, Chicago
Meyer LB (1956) Emotion and meaning in music. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago
Meyer LB (1967) Music, the arts and ideas. University of California Press, California
Meyer LB (1973) Exploring music. University of California Press, California
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