Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Near the Old Town (Baščaršija)
Tomb of the Seven Brothers
The nondescript mosque at the top of the parking lot across the Latin Bridge from the Old
Town is a favorite spot for Sarajevo superstition. Along the right, outer wall of the mosque
were unjustly sentenced to death; a strange light was reported to be emanating from their
graves at night. It's believed that if you put a coin of the same value in each of these eight
slots, you can make a wish or a request. Then you are supposed to walk around the top
of the mosque, turn left, and walk down the little lane. Listen carefully—the first words
you hear as you walk along this street will help you divine the answer you seek. Interest-
ingly—butnotsurprisinglyforthisfundamentally ecumenical town—evennon-MuslimSa-
rajevans come here when they are searching for enlightenment.
The Shot Heard 'Round the World
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