Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Traveling as a Temporary Local
We travel all the way to Croatia and Slovenia to enjoy differences—to become temporary
locals. You'll experience frustrations. Certain truths that wefind“God-given” or“self-evid-
ent,” such as cold beer, ice in drinks, bottomless cups of coffee, and bigger being better, are
suddenly not so true. One of the benefits of travel is the eye-opening realization that there
are logical, civil, and even better alternatives. A willingness to go local ensures that you'll
enjoy a full dose of Croatian and Slovenian hospitality.
Most American travelers find Slovenes to be extremely gregarious and Croatians relat-
ively brusque. While tourism is big in Croatia, the finer points of service and hospitality
sometimes get lost. Before losing your patience (as I sometimes do), try to remember that
these people lived under a communist regime 20 years ago, followed by a devastating war,
and today are coping with an unprecedented tourist crush. They're scrambling to keep up.
Croatians, Slovenes, and Europeans in general tend to like Americans. But if there is a
of our Yankee excesses—and worriedly at others—they nearly always afford us individual
travelers all the warmth we deserve.
Judging from all the happy feedback I receive from travelers who have used this topic,
it's safe to assume you'll enjoy a great, affordable vacation—with the finesse of an inde-
pendent, experienced traveler.
Thanks, and sretan put —happy travels!
Back Door Travel Philosophy
From Rick Steves' Europe Through the Back Door
legal adventure. Travel is freedom. It's recess, and we need it.
Experiencing the real Europe requires catching it by surprise, going casual...“Through
the Back Door.”
Affording travel is a matter of priorities. (Make do with the old car.) You can eat and
sleep—simply, safely, and enjoyably—anywhere in Europe for $120 a day plus transporta-
tion costs. In many ways, spending more money only builds a thicker wall between you and
what youtraveled sofartosee. Europeisacultural carnival, andtime after time, you'llfind
that its best acts are free and the best seats are the cheap ones.
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