Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Dubrovnik never had a very large Serb population (an Orthodox church wasn't even al-
lowed inside the town walls until the mid-19th century). During the recent war, most Serbs
fled, created new lives for themselves elsewhere, and saw little reason to return. But some
old-timers remain, andDubrovnik'sdwindling, aging Orthodoxpopulation isstill served by
this church. Thecandlesstuckinthesand(topreventfireoutbreaks)representprayers:The
ones at knee level are for the deceased, while the ones higher up are for the living. The gen-
as you do so with the proper intentions and reverence.
A few doors down, you'll find the Icon Museum. This small collection features 78 dif-
ferent icons (stylized paintings of saints, generally on a golden background—a common
feature of Orthodox churches) from the 15th through the 19th centuries, all identified in
English. In the library—crammed with old shelves holding some 12,000 books—look for
the astonishingly detailed calendar, with portraits of hundreds of saints. The gallery on the
Cost and Hours: Church—free but donations accepted, good 20-kn English book ex-
plains church and museum; daily May-Sept 8:00-14:00 & 16:00-21:00 or 22:00, until 19:00
in shoulder season, until 17:00 in winter; short services daily at 8:30 and 19:00, longer
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