Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Eating in Kor č ula
Kor č ula Connections
By Boat
Bus Connections
Route Tips for Drivers: Between Kor č ula and the Mainland
The island town of Kor č ula (KOHR-choo-lah) boasts an atmospheric Old Town, a smat-
tering of surprisingly engaging museums, and a dramatic, fjord-like mountain backdrop.
Simpler and humbler than its glitzy big sister Hvar, Kor č ula—while certainly on the
charm. At its heart, Kor č ula is a traditional, blue-collar, salt-of-the-earth shipbuilding and
fishingtownwithadimpatina oftourism. Allthingsconsidered, Kor č ulaisthemostenjoy-
able Back Door stopover between Split and Dubrovnik.
Like so many other small Croatian coastal towns, Kor č ula was founded by the ancient
Greeks. It became part of the Roman Empire and was eventually a key southern outpost of
the Venetian Republic. The town's “mini-Dubrovnik” vibe isn't an accident: Venice would
have liked to claim the real Dubrovnik, but when that failed, they fortified Kor č ula in- if to create a Dubrovnik of their very own. Four centuries of Venetian rule left
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