Travel Reference
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but pretty functional up close. Still, it's worth a visit if you're passing through and curious
to take a stroll through a hill town that feels more alive and workaday than the norm. Just
above the parking lot are the small TI and the town museum (facing each other across the
street), and higher up is another parking-lot plaza in front of Buje's pastel-yellow Church of
Our Mother of Mercy (marked in Latin, Mater Misericordiae ); from the nearby terrace, you
have (distant) views of the sea. From this square, you can hike on cobbles through work-
aday neighborhoods. Up and to the left you'll find the squat remains of a mid-15th-cen-
tury octagonal defensive tower, the small Sv. Martin church with its evocative graveyard,
and a viewpoint overlooking the countryside (though views from Motovun and other towns
are better). Up and to the right from the main square is the main Sv. Servol church, whose
bigbell tower—visible frommiles around—dominates thehilltop. Witharough,unfinished
facade, the church shares a fine little piazza with the local elementary school.
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