Travel Reference
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at the kiosk before returning to your car, then wave paid ticket at exit to open gate). From
the lot, walk uphill past the parking kiosk and the market until you reach big Zagreba č ka
boulevard, with the grass median. Turn right and continue up Zagreba č ka, passing the TI
(on your right) en route to Trg Slobode and the Old Town.
The bus station is at the other end of the Old Town. Exit the station to the right and go
through the little park to the seafront and Old Town. Just up the hill is Trg Slobode and the
nearby TI.
Sights in Poreč
Euphrasian Basilica (Eufrazijeva Bazilika)
This sixth-century church is a gold mine for fans of Byzantine mosaics. The otherwise dull
interior is dominated by gorgeous, glittering mosaics in the apse surrounding the main altar.
The top row depicts Jesus surrounded by the 12 apostles, the medallions around the arch
celebrate 12 female martyrs, and front and center are Mary and Jesus surrounded by an-
gels and martyrs—including Bishop Euphrasius, holding his namesake basilica in his arms
(second from left). These date from the 170-year period after the fall of Rome (roughly
530-700 A.D. ), when Istria was part of the Byzantine Empire and was ruled from Ravenna
inspired by the one in St. Mark's Basilica in Venice. Don't miss another set of mosaics in
the floor just inside the door.
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