Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The dynamic statue in the middle honors Giuseppe Tartini (1692-1770), a composer
and violinist once known throughout Europe. Behind Tartini, the Neo-Renaissance Town
Hall (housing the TI) dates from the 1870s.
The fine little red palace in the corner (at #4, where Tartini's left hand is gesturing) is
the “Venetian House” (c.1450),theoldestpreservedhouseonthesquare.Classic Venetian
fell in love with a simple local girl when visiting on business, became her sugar daddy, and
eventually built her this flat. When the townsfolk began to gossip about the relationship, he
answered them with the relief you see today (with the Venetian lion, between the two top
windows): Lassa pur dir (“Let them talk”).
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