Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Intheyearssincethesetileswerelaid,the city seal haschangedintwoways(asyoucan
see by comparing it to the city flag that flies from the city parliament building). First, while
from red to blue. If you pay attention around town, you'll notice the liberal use of Zagreb's
distinctive hue of blue—for example, on city buses and trams. And devoted fans of the im-
mensely popular local soccer team, Dinamo Zagreb, are called the “Bad Blue Boys.”
While it would be nice to see the inside of St. Mark's Church, the priest doesn't appreci-
ate tourists, so it's closed except during services. (If you manage to slip in, you'll see fres-
coeswithBiblescenes,andsculpturesbythetalented20th-centurysculptorIvanMeštrovi ć :
the crucifix over the main altar, a pietà on the left, and on the right, Madonna and Child sit-
ting cross-legged, in a typical Meštrovi ć pose. If you can't get in, you can still enjoy some
Meštrovi ć works at his nearby museum, described later.)
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