Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
▲▲▲ Panoramic Road (Panoramska Cesta)
The Logarska Dolina valley itself (described later) is beautiful. But the region's spectacular
highlight is the Panoramic Road twisting along the top of the cliff above it. At an altitude of
around 4,000 feet (compared to about 2,500 feet in Logarska Dolina), this road offers one
thrilling drive.
As you rattle along the rough road, all around you are vast swaths of mountain forests,
broken only by hilltops covered with patches of green grass. Each of these hills is its own
farm, which raises grass to feed livestock (see sidebar). Several stretches of the Panoramic
Road (including the switchbacks up from Sol č ava) are what Slovenes poetically call “white
roads”—that is, unpaved gravel. (If you're wary of driving on gravel, you may want to skip
the road up from Sol č ava and instead do the Panoramic Road round-trip, using the paved
road up from near Logarska Dolina.) Realize that you're just an avalanche's tumble from
the Austrian border.
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