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S. glaucus as one of the abundant plants distributed on the polluted areas. It was
therefore chosen for bioremediation test together with its root associated fungi, their
ability to remove crude oil from polluted soils has been evaluated. Highest decrease
of crude oil concentration has been observed in the pots containing plant added Fu-
sarium equiseti, F. acuminatum and F. reticulatum (Fig. 12.1 ). Although all subject-
ed fungal strains decreased petroleum concentration in soils but application of plant
together with its associated fungal strains was more effective (Fig. 12.1 ). It means
that plant root exudates increase the petroleum biodegradation driven by fungal
strains that is in confirmity with earlier reports (Garcia et al. 2000 ; Mohsenzadeh
et al. 2005 ; Mohsenzade et al. 2009 ). Phytoremediation of petroleum pollution is a
cost-effective green technology; there are more advantages, when it comes to the
use of native plants and fungi (Schroder et al. 2002 ). This is the first report on the
ability of S. glaucus and its root-associated fungi for remediation of petroleum pol-
luted soils.
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