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Guatemala's Ancient Ruins
Stretching at its peak from northern El Salvador to the Gulf of Mexico, the Maya
empire during its Classic period was arguably pre-Hispanic America's most bril-
liant civilization. The great ceremonial and cultural centers in Guatemala in-
cluded Quiriguá, Kaminaljuyú, Tikal, Uaxactún, Río Azul, El Perú, Yaxhá, Dos
Pilas and Piedras Negras. Copán in Honduras also gained and lost importance as
the empire and its individual kingdoms ebbed and waned.
Need to Know
The majority of Maya sites are in El Petén region, in the country's north. The other major grouping is in the south-
west, roughly centered around Lake Atitlán.
The ideal months to visit archaeological sites are outside of the rainy season. In El Petén you want to avoid the
heat, while in the highlands seriously cold nighttime temperatures can make travel uncomfortable. Roughly speak-
ing, the better times to visit El Petén are from November to April, while the highlands are best from February to
Opening Hours
Most sites are open from 8am to 4pm daily, but check times ahead of your visit. For the more popular sites, the best
time to go is soon after opening time, thereby beating the tour bus crowds and the midday sun.
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