Travel Reference
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returnees from five different ethnic groups who took refuge in Mexico during the civil
war. Their 37-sq-km farm features a small lagoon, some Maya archaeological sites, a wa-
terfall and abundant forest. The old estate house has been outfitted with three comfortable
rooms with hot showers, and meals are served. Inguat-trained guides lead excursions to
the Laguna Brava (Laguna Yolnajab) and Hoyo Cimarrón, a gigantic, almost perfectly
cylindrical crater near the Mexican border. From Huehuetenango, buses bound for Yalam-
bojoch and Gracias a Dios pass by here.
La Mesilla
The Mexican immigration post is a 100m walk from the Guatemalan border at La Mesilla.
With an early start from Huehuetenango you should have no trouble getting through this
border and onward to San Cristóbal de las Casas, Mexico. From the Mexican post, taxis
charge 10 Mexican pesos for the 4km ride to Ciudad Cuauhtémoc, where there are con-
nections to Comitán (80 pesos, every half hour), and onward to San Cristóbal (two hours).
The strip in La Mesilla leading to the border post has a variety of services, including a
police station, a post office and a bank. There are also moneychangers who will do the
deal - at a good rate if you're changing dollars, a terrible one for pesos or quetzals.
Entering Guatemala via La Mesilla, you'll find chicken buses leaving for Huehueten-
ango (Q20, two hours) every 20 minutes till 6pm, as well as transport to Quetzaltenango
(Q40). Otherwise, Línea Dorada ( Click here ) runs Pullmans to Guatemala City (Q170,
eight hours) at 9pm.
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