Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
7756-1163; 6a Calle 3-60) Maintains a 24-hour emergency clinic.
Hospital El Buen Samaritano (
Chichi's many banks all stay open on Sunday.
Banco Industrial (6a Calle 6-05) Visa/ MasterCard ATM.
Visa/MasterCard ATM (cnr 5a Av & 6a Calle)
Post Office (4a Av 6-58) Northwest of the main plaza.
Inguat ( 5966-1162;; 7a Av 7-14; 8am-4pm Sun-Thu, 8am-noon Fri) Author-
ized guides can be hired here for cultural tours of the town and up to Pascual Abaj.
Head to Lonely Planet ( tenango) for planning
advice, author recommendations, traveler reviews and insider tips.
Getting There & Away
Buses heading south to Panajachel, Quetzaltenango and all other points reached from the
Interamericana arrive and depart from 5a Calle near the corner of 5a Av , one block uphill from
the Arco Gucumatz. Buses approaching from the south go up 7a Av, dropping off passen-
gers two blocks east of the central plaza.
Antigua (3½ hours) Take any bus heading for Guatemala City and change at Chimalten-
Guatemala City (Q30, 2½ hours) Every 30 minutes from 3am to 5pm.
Los Encuentros (Q6, 30 minutes) Frequent microbuses leave from in front of the Telgua
building on 7a Av .
Panajachel (Q15, two hours) Buses at 6am, 9am, noon & 1pm, or take any southbound
bus and change at Los Encuentros.
Quetzaltenango (Q20, two hours) Five buses between 7am and 3pm, or take any south-
bound bus and change at Los Encuentros.
Santa Cruz del Quiché (Q6, 35 minutes) Microbuses from 5a Calle on the west side of 5a Av
between 6am and 11pm.
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