Biology Reference
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Fig. 1.6. An illustration of the partition of the neighborhood of a vertex v . The two vertices with
rectangles are exits, the other white ones are prisoners.
one prisoner. If each prisoner is connected to at least one vertex
other than v via an edge, and the prisoners dominate the ex-
its, then delete v . To reconstruct a solution for the unreduced
instance, add v to every clique containing a prisoner of v .
Lemma 1.2. Reduction Rule CC3 is correct.
Proof. By definition, every neighbor of v 's prisoners is also a neighbor of v
itself. If a prisoner of v participates in a clique C ,then C
is also a clique
in the graph. Therefore, it is correct to add v to every clique containing a prisoner
in the reduced graph. Next, we show that all edges adjacent to v are covered
by the cliques resulting by adding v to the cliques containing v 's prisoners. We
consider separately the edges connecting v to prisoners and edges connecting v
to exits. Regarding an edge
to a prisoner w ,vertex w has to be part of a
clique C of the solution for the instance after application of the rule. Therefore,
the edge
is covered by C ∪{v}
in the solution for the unreduced instance.
Regarding an edge
to an exit x ,theexit x is dominated by a prisoner w and
therefore x has to be part of a clique C with w . Hence, the edge
is covered
by C
in the solution for the unreduced instance.
Concerning experimental results, Gramm et al. [35] implemented an algo-
rithm to optimally solve C LIQUE C OVER that is based on four data reduction
rules (CC1-CC3 and one additional rule) and a simple branching strategy. The
implementation was able to solve within a few seconds 14 real-world instances
from an application in graphical statistics, with up to 124 vertices and more than
2 700 edges [36]. Further experiments on random graphs showed that in particu-
lar sparse instances could be solved quickly. The algorithm relied mainly on the
data reduction rules: many instances were reduced to an empty instance before the
branching even began. By way of contrast, when the data reduction was not suc-
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